One-Top Services

Internet of Things

Connect your physical products seamlessly to digital ecosystem.

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Make Smarter business decisions with the Internet of Things(IoT), Collect and analyze real-time data and make it actionable.

Optimeze and automate your consumer or B2B products with custom IoT solutions. In turn, you'll gather more meaningful data and provide more value to your customers when your products are connected. In addition to in-house software development, AppSchedio conducts prototying and testing onsite for IoT mobile integrations, sensors, custom backend systems, and more.

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Tools & Process


We'll help you enable MQTT, a messaging protocol that makes it simple to establish comminucation between multiple devices.

Smart Home Platforms

ntegrate your services with the best smart home platforms available, including Alexa, Google Home, HomeKit and Nest.

Legacy Software Updates

We integrate with your existing software by modernizing it and retrofitting it to IoT process.

Industry-Specific Solutions

Whether you need industrial, commercial or consumer IoT technologies, we'll create a custom solution to fit your needs.

Privacy & Security

With IoT applications and sensors that encrypt data, you can be sure your data is secure, no matter where it's connected.